I want to give a big shout-out “Thanks” to those who shared time learning about our games at the Long Island Tabletop Expo last April 6th and 7th. I admit that vending at conventions is not only a learning experience but also an enjoyable one. Your reaction to our products indicates that we’re on the right track with our creative ideas.
The attraction and response to our newest product, KITUNDA, is encouraging. The more I play it with “newbies.” I hope you don’t mind me using that term; the more fun I have. Not only playing but also watching the game being played by others. It's quick and easy to learn, particularly if one is familiar with Chess.

We had a nice variety of age groups play our games, from the very young to senior citizens, and all of them seemingly had a great time at our table. It’s always a rewarding experience, laughing with strangers who seemingly appreciate the experience as much as you do.
There was a nice contingency of costumed “Storm Troopers” policing the area. The Dark Side of the Force seemed to be somewhat more popular than those of the Rebel Republic. Still, it brought a smile to my face. And there were other costumed characters. When you get my age, you just “Got to love it!”
I’m a person who loves ideas, and it was great to see a truckload of ideas at the Expo as I took some time to walk around the event. The artistic crafts on display by some of the vendors showed excellence and skill.
It’s only natural to hope that all the games sold will be shared with friends and family and an offer to others where they can get their own game at our website.

I also want to thank my three children, whose support makes it all possible. It’s always a pleasure to share the energies of the ones I love with others. As always, I get a kick out of watching them enjoy themselves. On the way home, much of our talk was about how much of a good time we had with the people who shared their time with us. We are so grateful for your support and those who sponsored the event.
All in all, it was a great experience. We look forward to doing more outdoor vending as we approach the warm weather season. Inch by inch, game by game. It’s one of our efforts to let the world know there’s a small and unique game design company out here, and it’s from the Bronx!