Looking forward to the warmer weather that’s ahead of us, I enjoy taking a game to the park or an open area to show people how our games are played. There’s a humbling satisfaction I get from their reaction. Their eyes begin lighting up as a series of heartfelt smiles breaks through, allowing them to feel more at ease and comfortable in our exchange. Especially if we’re total strangers.
Sometimes, I’m asked if I always take my games around with me? I usually do when I go out to share the company of others, particularly at senior centers and the like. The standard games and brands are already settled in the hearts and minds of many. Dominoes, Chess, Pekino, etc. My approach may be simple, but I try to be consistent in my approach. After all, at this point in time, I am one of the few who can try to introduce an idea of mine to the minds and hearts of others.

It also gives me something else to talk about. Gaming adds a dimension to a conversation that otherwise would not exist, from poking innocent fun to making blank threats. I’m not as young as I used to be, and driving is foreign as I am a child of the Big Apple, where the iron horse is king. So now it’s doing what you can when you can and go when and where the body says it’s okay to go.
It reminds me of the time when I was a musician and songwriter. I don’t believe I have the best of voices. However, I understand that the only way to get people to hear my songs was to take them out and showcase them. And it is the same with ideas, art, literature, and games. I have to showcase my wares on social media and other accessible venues. I must admit that sharing table space with someone over game instruction is quite enjoyable. That one-on-one or one with a few can be quite fulfilling and a learning experience.
These days, the primary games I take out with me are GIN-GO and KITUNDA. One is based on 500 Rummy, and the other is Chess. There’s a wide range of knowledgeable players out there who can quickly understand the game within the least amount of time. Finding it easy makes it more appealing and enjoyable.
We can only ask for your help in introducing the games you enjoy from us. So, with the warm season coming, we ask that you teach as many friends and family as possible. Encourage others to get involved, and consider the game you enjoy as a gift for someone special. We are not just a brand; the brand is you.